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knowledge exchange action plans reviewed by NCUB

Knowledge exchange is a collaborative and creative effort that helps knowledge and research to make a positive impact in society and the economy.

The Knowledge Exchange Concordat (KE Concordat) is a sector-led initiative established to recognise, develop and improve the many different ways higher education providers engage in knowledge exchange, with support from NCUB, Research England and Praxis Auril. In 2021, a total of 136 higher education institutions signed up to it and 112 chose to take part in a development year exercise.

Key findings from the first year review showed that it:

  • brought together over 1,000 examples of innovative practice

  • created 560 priority actions for improved collaborative working

  • improved cross-sector collaboration and enhanced the impact of research on locally, nationally and globally

As part of the overall review, NCUB conducted an analysis of all 112 action plans and their associated evaluator comments in order to build understanding of key areas for improvement in the development and implementation of KE activities across the UK.

Read more about NCUB’s emerging considerations for the sector and for policymakers as the KE Concordat moves into its next phase of development.


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