When universities and businesses partner up the rewards can be huge: one recent example is the creation of the Covid-19 vaccine.
Yet, despite more businesses seeing the benefits of working with universities, insufficient information on the opportunities of partnering was cited as barrier to collaboration, in a survey of almost 4,000 businesses.
konfer aims to help overcome some of these untapped opportunities by giving efficient and easy access to the wealth of opportunities in UK R&D. For business it opens up research, experts and services in UK universities and research institutions. For academics, it is a great way to find impact partners beyond your usual network.
A quick and simple way to start your search for a collaboration partner is to post a collaboration call on konfer.
To help you receive the best possible response to your search we suggest you answer four simple questions in your collaboration opportunity:
Four questions for your collaboration
What is the problem/challenge this collaboration call seeks to overcome?
What/who are you seeking to collaborate with?
What do you bring to the collaboration/challenge?
What is in it for the responder?
It can also be helpful to be open about the funding situation even if the plan is to jointly apply for grant funding. Read more about getting started, some golden rules and benefits of business university partnerships as well as our guide to preparing a collaboration opportunity.
Konfer can then share your call with our networks in over 150 UK universities and/or ‘smart-match’ and target relevant businesses in our directory of over 72,000 ‘innovation ready’ UK companies.
Shivaun Meehan
Konfer - communications