Jun 1, 2022BriefingsSupporting university and business partnershipsWhen expertise, knowledge, or skilled people are transferred into business from the research base – such as universities or research...
May 13, 2022BriefingsSummary of tax reliefs available for innovative companiesHM Revenue and Customs recently updated their contacts and guidance on tax reliefs for innovate companies including: Patent Box An...
May 11, 2022BriefingsHow intelligent online tools can strengthen collaboration Anna Dent, Universities Partnership Manager, NCUB In a competitive but unstable economic environment, recently shaken by the Covid-19...
Mar 24, 2022BriefingsUntapped opportunities in university business collaborationUniversities and business understand the benefits and importance of collaboration to solve problems and open new opportunities. And the...
Mar 13, 2022BriefingsConnections to empower innovationA new report stresses the central role of universities in the economic and social recovery of the UK. With input from NCUB’s Chief...
Mar 6, 2022BriefingsPreparing a collaboration opportunity Guide to preparing an effective collaboration opportunity.