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£118m from UKRI to accelerate research impact

Congratulations to the 64 universities and research organisations awarded UKRI Impact Acceleration Account funding to translate research.

The new £118 million funding will help ideas emerging from UK research organisations to jumpstart knowledge exchange, translation and commercialisation.

UKRI Director of Commercialisation Tony Soteriou, said: ‘The UK is home to some of the brightest, most innovative and creative research teams in the world. They have the ideas and they have the entrepreneurial energy to create businesses and services that could turn sectors on their head. What they need, what every great commercial idea needs, is support in the critical early stages.

The Impact Acceleration Account is the catalyst that allows projects to grow to the next level, attracting investment, forging partnerships and creating jobs.

The breadth of UKRI allows us to work right across the UK’s world-class research and innovation system to ensure it builds a green future, secures better health, ageing and wellbeing, tackles infections, and builds a secure and resilient world.’

Now in its 10th year IAA funding helps UK research teams unlock the value of their work, including early-stage commercialisation of new technologies and advancing changes to public policy and services such as NHS clinical practice.

konfer is able to support IAA holders in helping broker business-university collaborations, promote the programme to the business community and help track impact.

Get in touch if you would like support in finding collaboration partners through konfer.


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