konfer for Universities
Connecting you with industrial partners and business opportunities
Helping you deliver impactful outcomes
Understanding more about the areas where your work can be applied can accelerate your technology’s route to market, or help you identify new research opportunities.
Konfer brings together a breadth of opportunities for collaboration or funding that can be smartly matched to your research interests. Users can also access our business network and explore more opportunities for research with industry partners.

As part of your R&D toolkit konfer can help you:

All in one solution:
access to the largest database combining research projects, innovative companies, research opportunities and funding calls.

Gather information:
about technologies and markets and how your research and ideas can be part of future developments.

Connect and respond:
to industrial calls for your research and expertise, or invite new business contacts to discuss your research ideas.
Using konfer
Respond to an opportunity
Konfer uses smart-matching technology to identify innovation and research opportunities that need your expertise.

Smart-matched requests for your expertise are sent to you

Explore the opportunity by “Connecting”

Work with new business partners to further knowledge exchange

Search & Discover
Use konfer to discover new research and funding opportunities as well as new areas were your research can be applied.

Search for partners or funding for your next project

Use our advanced search functions to identity useful contacts and resources

Find and connect to new funding calls, collaboration opportunities or other experts and companies that could further your research

Horizon scanning
Use konfer to develop a compelling business case for your next research project.

Search for new project ideas, emerging technologies, or areas of use for your research

Use our advanced search function to identify useful contacts and resources

Summarise key aspects of trends in your field of research to better understand the way forward.

Invite experts to collaborate
After identifying relevant experts, konfer gives you the ability to invite them into a discussion about your projects.

Search for new partners from industry to help with your project

User our advanced search function to identity useful contacts and resources

Invite them to connect through konfer to discuss your project and potential opportunities